Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reminds me of Hilary Beane, Sy Chen and The China Club...

 "Those memorable funny Hollywood days for me" Sy Chen the Owner/Jester/Ring-Master of the China Club told me, or as I now think of it "The Style Circus" that was his Love/Work and we all lived like movie stars before. This got me to thinking, it should be a novel...

OUT LINE:                                            "Funny Hollywood Days..."

-Arriving in Los Angeles picked up in a Jeep by a blondcockney hairdresser; Nicky Someone, aggressive guy 27 then, full of himself, loved by women; we never liked each other... Can't remember how we fell out except it was spectacular!

-Sam Shepherd, man he was good looking, so charming alwayswore nice boots and comfy looking jeans always relaxed, a 'Sweet-Outlaw"

-Floyd Mutrux

-Marissa Berenson

-Simon Doonan  and the twee  Anglophiles

-Joseph and Henry, Club Lingerie 

-Larry and Susann

-Garment district

-Billy Idol portrayed "Gorgeous, of Course" for old friends'sake

-The Restaurateurs mistress who I always offered a drink to, tobe polite because he let me drink at his bar, "No I'd prefer $5 for alude" she'd say 

-Steve Jones, Sex Pistol, beautifulTough/Fearless/Scared/Spiritual Guy...  Rode around for a month with himonce as he composed and played back a million times a track he was doing for amovie...

-West Hollywood

-The Witch

-The French community living

-"Tommy Jr." and his amazing father

-Jack Nicholson and all the Homesteaders in Eagle Rock...

-Herb Albert, Artist, sweetheart...

-Mr. CHOWS... Yoshi Murata...Gatsby, Matsuma, Ja

-"FBI Special Agents and their rackets...

 -Student of Devananda out in the garden ofthe Ashram 

-Meetings, busy, getting sober

-Working in construction

Fiction/Faction/Gonzo  by Robert Cassidy, (c)2011

[DRAFT: Needs to be Up_Dated Action: 1. Change Names 2. tag blog :]


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